EXHIBITIONSHamptons WeekendHAMPTONS 6 Painting Exhibitions Not to Miss by Pat Rogers Painting is making a serious appearance in Hamptons galleries and offers a range of contemporary art. The options include still life,...
ReviewsHAMPTONS ART REVIEW: Surfaces and Substance at ILLE Arts by Eric Ernst In the current exhibition at ILLE Arts in Amagansett, the viewer is continually reminded that while a work of vision is significantly...
Art ReviewsMUSEUMSHAMPTONS Artists Choose Artists: A Visual Dialogue of the East End – Part 1 by Gabrielle Selz The Parrish Art Museum’s “Artists Choose Artists” show has become an established event on the East End. For the bi-annual...
EXHIBITIONSMUSEUMSHAMPTONS “Artists Choose Artists” Biennial Opens by Pat Rogers DISPATCH - NOV 8, 2013 WATER MILL, NY- Today is the day when it is revealed. "It" is the Parrish Art Museum's 2013 artist juried...
Art To ‘Open For The Stones’ by Pat Rogers DISPATCH - May 23, 2012 (8:30 a.m.) EAST HAMPTON, NY It's the second stop on a multi-town tour. Musicians are integral but...