Drum roll please! Artist winners have been selected for Hamptons Art Hub's "Pushing Boundaries: Art that Defies Expectations" Open Call Art Competition. The online art contest drew participation from across the United States and across the world.

From the United States, artists span the country and are located in 10 states including New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Idaho, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, California and Utah. International artists are based in the United Kingdom, France and Japan.

Judging the spring Hamptons Art Hub Art Competition was Alicia G. Longwell, Ph.D., the Parrish Art Museum Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Chief Curator, Art and Education. The Parrish is located in Water Mill, NY in The Hamptons. All of the art was viewed online only. The names and locations of the submitting artists were hidden from Longwell during the judging process.

In addition to selecting art winners, Longwell chose art for a curated Hamptons Art Hub online exhibition. To see the show and discover the artists selected, click here. Congratulations to all!

The art winners for Hamptons Art Hub's "Pushing Boundaries: Art that Defies Expectations" Art Competition are:

Best in Show:  "Blues in the Garden" by Scott McIntire


"Blues In the Garden" by Scott McIntire, 2018. Enamel on canvas, 24 x 72 inches. Courtesy of the artist.


In the words of the artist:

"Energy Fields that surround objects are an equal part of my subject matter. When I am studying an object to paint I am not just examining the object itself, I am also aware of the sounds, smells, colors and lights that exist in the space around the subject. These are the energies that I directly experience, than there are the unseen radiations such as the cell phone, radio and telephone transmissions and magnetic fields that we don’t sense."

Scott McIntire is based in Greenport, NY, located on the North Fork of Long Island. To see more of his art, visit www.scottmcintire.com.

Best Fine Art: "Birds in the Reeds" by Nancy Ness


"Birds in the Reeds" by Nancy Ness, 2017. Soft pastel, 16 x 22 inches. Courtesy of the artist.


In the words of the artist:

"I work in pastel and oil. Most people are attracted to the color in my work. Lately my work is more about the abstract marks then any representational images. Living in two places has forced me to find common ground in my artwork. Abstraction and pushing unreal color have become my anchors."

Nancy Ness divides her time between the North Fork of Long Island, NY and Utah. To see more of her work, visit www.nancyness.com.

Best Fine Art Photography: "Vacuum Hose" by Jerry Schwabe


"Vacuum Hose" by Jerry Schwabe, 2017. Photograph, 15 x 21.3 inches. Courtesy of the artist.


Jerry Schwabe is a painter, sculptor and photographer living in East Hampton, NY. To see more of his work, visit www.jerryschwabe.com.

About "Pushing Boundaries: Art that Defies Expectations"

"Pushing Boundaries: Art that Defies Expectations" is Hamptons Art Hub's sixth Open Call Art Competition. The next themed Open Call Art Competition will be held in Fall 2018. Details will be announced in October 2018.

The Best Overall Artwork receives a $250 cash prize. Winners of Best Fine Art and Best Photography each receive a $100 cash prize. All three winners also receive a free annual Directory Listing at Hamptons Art Hub to showcase their art as well membership in our new artist-driven online resource, Art MERGE.com. The new site premieres in Summer 2018.

Click here to view the online show "Pushing Boundaries: Art that Defies Expectations," curated by Alicia G. Longwell, Ph.D., the Parrish Art Museum Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Chief Curator, Art and Education.

About Online Art Competitions & Exhibitions by Hamptons Art Hub

Hamptons Art Hub is an online only publication revealing art in The Hamptons & East End of Long Island and New York City with highlights from the New York Metropolitan area. Written by a staff of experienced professionals, Hamptons Art Hub publishes art reviews, news, exhibition and art fair previews and coverage, artist profiles, art features and more. Click here to visit our Home Page. To discover art from our Artist Directory Members, click here. To discover art on view in galleries and museums on Long Island and New York City, visit our Exhibition Finder by clicking here.

Hamptons Art Hub holds two Open Call Art competition each year offered in the spring and fall. Previous themes include "View From Home"; "In Motion"; "From the Earth"; "Inspired by Water" and "Inspired by Winter."


Copyright 2018 Hamptons Art Hub LLC. All rights reserved.

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