Former artists page



"Green Burst" by Casey Chalem Andersen.


Casey Chalem Anderson - Landscape paintings

Radiant, colorful oil paintings and prints of ocean waves, tranquil waters and flower fields.

"I make paintings for people who love the water and crave the calm and tranquility of being near the sea," said Anderson.
Darlene Charneco - Contemporary art


"Pine on Dune" by Susan D'Alessio. Oil on linen, 24 x 30 inches.

Susan D'Alessio - Landscape painter

Susan's paintings reflect her connection with the natural landscape and open farm scenes of Eastern Long Island, NY. They bring to life the unique mood and beauty of each setting.

Currently, most of my plein air paintings capture the light and atmosphere of a sunny day. The contrast of shadows and highlights enhance most compositions.


Tina Folks - Contemporary figurative ceramics

Steve Haweeli - Abstract paintings

Gordon Matheson - Landscape paintings

Caroline Waloski - Intaglio & Relief Prints and Paintings

Claire Watson - Contemporary art
Marianne Weil - Bronze and glass sculpture

"Rock in Repose" by Gerry Giliberti.

Gerry Giliberti - Photography / Scultpure / Graphic Arts / Musician

The photograph at left, "Rock in Repose," is from the Simulacra series. The photographs in this series present images that are naturally surreal yet abstract.




Jake Rajs - Landscape and architectural photography

Tom Steele - Landscape photography


Listings are $80 per year. For details, please email:

[email protected]

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