“Sojourn 2” by Margery Gosnell-Qua, 2013. Oil on canvas, 66 x 60 inches.
“Half Full Half Flat, Becket” by Scott McIntire, 2010. Enamel on canvas, 24 x 18 inches.
“Waves” by Setha Low, 2016. Ceramic.
“Louse Point” by Steve Haweeli, 2011. Mixed media, 48 x 60 inches.
“LOVE” by Saskia Friedrich, 2015. Photo of performance, August 2015, Napeaugue, Neoprene, 72 x 13 inches.
“Truro” by Linda Armstrong, 2013. Pastel, 18 x 12 inches.
“Advancing Wave” by Casey Chalem Anderson, 2013. Oil on canvas, 30 x 48 inches.
“Under the Milky Way” by Steve Miller, 2015. Pigment dispersion and silk-screen on canvas, 79 x 80 inches.
Artwork by Roy Staab. Environmental art on the water.
“Ocean Composition 2 (The Last Wave)” by Livia Mosanu, 2015. Oil on shellacked Arches watercolor paper, 70 x 45 inches.
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