A live music performance followed by a DJ for dancing on Saturday; a retro Tea Dance with disco hits from the ’70s and ’80s on Sunday:  It’s all part of the eighth annual "Art Groove" taking place at Ashawagh Hall in East Hampton, NY this weekend. The two-day art show features the work of 18 contemporary local and international artists with an emphasis on large works.

"Art Groove" is equal parts art show and party. The opening reception for this year’s "Art Groove," held from 6 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, April 7, 2018, will feature live music by The King Bees, a rhythm and blues band featuring Grammy winner Frank Latorre, who also will have art on view. The King Bees’ performance on Saturday will be followed by a dance party led by DJ G-Funk. On Sunday, April 8, a Tea Dance will be held from 3 to 5 p.m., with disco tunes evoking the origins of daytime dance parties for avid clubgoers in the 1970s and ’80s.



Frank Latorre and The Kings Bees performing at Art Groove 2009. Courtesy of Geralyne Lewandowski.


Founded and curated by artist Geralyne Lewandowski, "Art Groove" got its start in response to Lewandowski’s desire to have more space to show the larger pieces she was working on than what is typically assigned to artists in group shows at galleries. For the first year of the event, and traditionally since then, "Art Groove" has given artists the chance to showcase their work in a 12- by 12-foot space.


David Geiser, Geralyne Lewandowski and Charles Waller in art by Waller at "Art Groove 2009." Courtesy of Geralyne Lewandowski.


Explaining her curatorial selections and the invitations she issues for the event each year, “I’m always looking for something edgy,” Lewandowski said in a telephone interview this week. “I want to see new things, new ideas coming out.”

The mix of visual art, musical performance, and dancing, she said, is intended to create a modern social experience. The formula has proved successful, attracting up to 300 visitors at past events, and artists who exhibited at last year’s "Art Groove" reported the most sales in the exhibition’s history, Lewandowski said.

Artists exhibiting are a mix between new and returning. After she makes a few advance direct invitations to artists she has scouted in her search for the “edgy” and new, Lewandowski opens the opportunity to a pre-selected group of artists on a first come, first-served basis.

For the 2018 show, she revealed that “every spot was sold out in 90 minutes.” Due to the overwhelming demand when she opened up the process, four 6- by 6-foot spaces were created from two of the 12-foot square spaces to allow more artists to be included in this year’s show. Even so, there was no way for Ashawagh Hall to accommodate the 46 people who applied to exhibit.


Art by Laura Benjamin at "Art Groove 2011." Courtesy of Geralyne Lewandowski.


Among the artists with work on view this year, Lewandowski called out Hans Van de Bovenkamp, who is known for his sculpture but will be showing works on paper at "Art Groove" this weekend.

Other artists exhibiting include Charles Waller, David Geiser, Phyllis Hammond, Anahi DeCanio, Michael McDowell, Joyce Raimondo, Laura Benjamin, Rosalind Brenner, Michael Cardacino, Gerry Gilberti , Barbara Bilotta, Frank Latorre, Beth Barry, Ingrid Torjesen, Greta Watson and Mark Zimmerman.


“Almost Captured” by Phyllis Hammond, 2016. Painted aluminum, 26 x 26 x 30 inches. Courtesy of the artist.


"The Emptiness of Shark" by Michael Cardacino. 3D printed sculpture.


For the eighth annual "Art Groove," the goals are the same:  creating an opportunity for artists to show their work and sell. "We try to show everyone a good time,” Lewandowski said.


Hans Van de Bovenkamp and Judy McDowell at "Art Groove 2015." Courtesy of Geralyne Lewandowski.


Art by Charles Waller at "Art Groove 2015." Courtesy of Geralyne Lewandowski.



BASIC FACTS: The eighth annual "Art Groove" will take place on Saturday, April 7, and Sunday, April 8, 2018 at Ashawagh Hall, 780 Springs Fireplace Rd, East Hampton, NY 11937. An Opening Reception takes place on Saturday from 6 to 11 p.m. and features live music by The King Bees, followed by a dance party led by DJ G-Funk. On Sunday, April 8, a Tea Dance will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. Gallery hours for the Art Groove 2018 exhibit are noon to 11 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is free. www.artgroove.info


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