The results are in for Hamptons Art Hub's "View from Home" Open Call Art Competition. The art contest drew participation from across the United States and across the world.

From the United States, artists span the country and are located in 11 states including New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Alabama, Texas, Arizona, Oregon, Tennessee, California plus Washington, D.C. International artists hail from six countries and are based in Germany, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Syria and the United Kingdom.

Judging our "View from Home" competition was Anita Rogers, director of Anita Rogers Gallery in Soho in New York City. All of the art was viewed online only.

In addition to selecting artist winners, Anita Rogers (no relation to publisher Pat Rogers) selected art for a Hamptons Art Hub online only exhibition. Click here to discover the artists selected for the show and to see the online exhibition. Congratulations to all!

The Art Winners for Hamptons Art Hub's "View from Home" art competition are:

Best in Show: Untitled Wall by Mark Webber


"Untitled Wall" by Mark Webber, 2017. Hydorcal Plaster, Stainless Steel, 5h x 12 x 6 inches.


Mark Webber submitted sculpture from his prolonged series "Structures, Walls, and Portals" which explores qualities related to architecture but are firmly sculpture and the conceptual line that divides the two, especially as manifested in "planes in space" as described by Mexican architect Luis Barragan, Webber cites.

"Texture, composition, simplicity, and an organic element are all part of my exploration," writes Webber about his art. "What unfolds off the wall and/or into space must be aesthetically pleasing and embrace silence after all the work has been done. My materials all come from materials being used in modern homes."

To see more of his art, visit or his Visual Blog on Instagram at seawave54.

Best Fine Art: pointing to the uncontrived by Hildy Maze


"pointing to the uncontrived" by Hildy Maze, 2017. Oil, paper collage, 33 x 35 inches.


Hildy Maze submitted paintings that she describes as "abstract contemplative works...developed with the view that art has the capacity to infuse our experience with awareness of our inherent nature, and, along with carefully chosen titles, invite viewers to move beyond the boundaries of the image to a more contemplative consideration of mind in relationship to the phenomena of what we consider object reality."

Maze writes her work aims to visually capture the internal veils that can obscure clear thinking, including uncontrolled emotions and errant beliefs, on the way to seeing what could become possible with a clear vision.

"By delving beneath the turbulence of thoughts we can uncover in ourselves a spaciousness behind all the discursiveness, changes and deaths of the world," she writes. "I view this as the most rebellious act of all imbued with social impact and non-conformism to actually recognize and cut through our habitual thought patterns to glimpse this spaciousness. Essentially my work is about all of us and the empty, clear and unconditional nature of mind we all have. When we know the nature of our mind we will know the nature of our world."

To view more of her art and read her full artist statement, visit

Best Fine Art Photography: Indonesian Blonds by Joel Lefkowitz


"Indonesian Blonds-- Looking out" by Joel Lefkowitz, 2008. Photograph.


Joel Lefkowitz submitted digital photographs for the Art Call competition. Based in The Hamptons, he published his two hardcover books of collective photographs in 2017: "Europe, 1966" and "Photography Retrospective: Jan. 20 - 22, 2017."

Joel Lefkowtiz is based in The Hamptons.

About "View From Home"

"View from Home" is Hamptons Art Hub's fifth Open Call Art Competition. The next themed Open Call Art Competition will be held in Spring 2018. Details will be announced in March 2018.

The Best Overall Artwork receives a $250 cash prize; winners of Best Fine Art and Best Photography each receive a $100 cash prize. All three winners also receive a free annual Directory Listing at Hamptons Art Hub to showcase their art as well membership in the new Artist Art Hub that premieres in 2018.

To view the show for "View From Home," click here.

About Art Call Competitions by Hamptons Art Hub

Hamptons Art Hub (HAH) is an online only publication revealing art in The Hamptons & East End of Long Island and New York City with highlights from the New York Metropolitan area. Written by a staff of experienced professionals, Hamptons Art Hub publishes art reviews, news, art fair previews and coverage, artist profiles, art features, news and event previews. Click here to visit our Home Page. To discover art from our Artist Directory Members, click here.

HAH holds two Open Call Art competition each year in the spring and fall. Previous themes included "In Motion"; "From the Earth"; "Inspired by Water" and "Inspired by Winter."

To see the "View From Home" Online Exhibition, view our slideshow:

View Slideshow



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