The Long Island Biennial has revealed the selected art works and is now on view at the Heckscher Museum of Art in Huntington. An Opening Reception to celebrate the artists and the Biennial takes place on Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Long Island art museum.

The show features 54 works selected by a panel of three jurors composed of a NYC gallerist, a Long Island museum director and curator, and a Long Island university professor and department director. The Biennial is on view from September 3 to December 4, 2016.

The Long Island Biennial is a juried open call competition that showcases, as well as reveals, art made by professional contemporary artists working in Suffolk and Nassau Counties on Long Island. The 2016 edition is a banner year with a record 336 entries submitted for consideration. In 2014, the Biennial drew 310 submissions, representing an increase over earlier editions which saw 200 and 250 submissions.


"Hymn" by Monica Banks, 2015, was awarded an Honor of Merit for the Long Island Biennial 2016. Art work image courtesy of the Artist.

"Hymn" by Monica Banks, 2015, was awarded an Honor of Merit for the Long Island Biennial 2016. Art work image courtesy of the Artist.


The jurors are Lori Bookstein of Lori Bookstein Fine Art in New York City; Seung Lee, Professor of Art, and Director of Fine Arts and Graduate Studies, LIU Post, in Brookville, Long Island; and Christina Mossaides Strassfield, Museum Director and Chief Curator, Guild Hall, East Hampton.

Five artists were honored with awards of merit: Monica Banks (East Hampton) for her conceptual porcelain sculpture Hymn; Philippe Cheng (Bridgehampton) for his abstract photograph Untitled, 2015; Lisa Federici (Wantagh) for her mixed media fabric work Quilted Heart, Jeanette Martone (Bay Shore) for her hyperealism pen and ink drawing On the Border; and Jeff Muhs (Southampton) for his abstract painting Charting Totality.


"Charting Totality" by Jeff Muhs, 2016, was awarded an Honor of Merit for the Long Island Biennial 2016. Art work image courtesy of the Artist.

"Charting Totality" by Jeff Muhs, 2016, was awarded an Honor of Merit for the Long Island Biennial 2016. Art work image courtesy of the Artist.


Artists selected for the 2016 Long Island Biennial also include Lawrence Aarons, Beth Atkinson, Roisin Bateman, Jim Byrne, Margaret M. Casella, Joe Constantino, Lance Corey, Janet Culbertson, Hector deCordova, Roz Dimon, Jennifer Drucker, JoAnne Dumas, Paul Farinacci, Alex Ferrone, Anna Fredericks, Miranda Gatewood, Gerry Giliberti, Phillip Gladkov, Justin Greenwald and Qin Han.

Also, Sylvia Harnick, Marc Isaacs, Sarah Jaffe Turnbull, Janet Jennings, Anna Jurinich, Susan Kadish, Joanne Klein, Asia Lee, Setha M. Low, Lili Maglione, Jane Martin, Hildy Maze, Margaret Minardi, Kenny NG, Victoria Pendzick, Roberto Perinuzzi, Camille Perrottet, Jeffrey Allen Price, Winn Rea, Lawrence Schloss, Mark Seidenfeld, William Shillalies, James Slezak, Ty Stroudsburg, Kathryn Szoka, Marianne Weill, Courtney Young and Gavin Zeigler.

Worth noting is the Long Island Biennial continues to draw new artists to submit work for consideration so each edition is unique and reveals a wide selection of artists with studios on Long Island. Now in its fourth edition, nearly 70 percent of artists selected appear for the first time in the jured show. Of the returning artists, most appeared in a single previous edition.

There are a few exceptions. Joe Constantino has been accepted into all four Biennials. Monica Banks, Philippe Cheng, Jennifer Drucker, Alex Ferrone; Anna Jurinich and Sylvia Harnick all have had art accepted into three of the four Biennials.

In the 2016 edition, there are a handful of artists who have appeared in a single previous edition. They include Roisin Bateman (2010); Janet Culbertson (2012); Roz Dimon (2012); Joanne Dumas (2012); Gerry Giliberti (2010); Miranda Gatewood (2014); Lili Maglione (2014); Jeanette Martone (2012); William Shillalies (2014); Sarah Jaffe Turnbull (2014) and Marianne Weill (2012).

The Heckscher has set up a designated website,, to present art from the current and past Biennials. The Biennial exhibition can be viewed online by clicking here. The full list of artists, including all 336 entries, can be viewed online by clicking here.

The Long Island Biennial is an open call, meaning all artists living in Nassau and Suffolk Counties are free to apply. Jurors make their selections based on the artwork submitted. Past Jurors have included Helen A. Harrison, Director of the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center; Renato Danese, President of Danese Corey gallery; and Dan Christoffel, an artist and adjunct professor at LIU Post of Long Island University.


BASIC FACTS: The Long Island Biennial is on view from September 3 through December 4, 2016. An Opening Reception takes place on Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. The Heckscher Museum of Art is located at 2 Prime Avenue, Huntington, NY 11743.


Related Programs:

Senior Second Wednesday: Tour of Long Island Biennial on Wednesday, September 14, 2016. The program begins at 1:45 pm.

DRAW OUT! Free community event on Sunday, September 18, 2016 from noon to 4 p.m. Meet select Biennial artists, watch demonstrations and get creative with a variety of provided art materials.

Long Island Biennial Gallery Talk on Friday, October 28, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Biennial artists will discuss their creative process and artistic journey, followed by a Meet and Greet.


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