DISPATCH - NOV 23, 2012 (1:35 p.m.)


Thanksgiving Weekend is a busy one for Hamptons galleries. An art walk takes place on Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. in five locations. Tours are led by artists with the option of a self-guided tour. See artwalkhamptons.com for details. Art openings for new exhibitions take place on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Here's where to find them:


Silas Marder Gallery - Holiday Salon will be held on Saturday from 4 to 8 p.m. Marder's 39th Annual Open House will be held from Friday through Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with live music, honeybees and cookies. The gallery is located at 120 Snake Hollow Rd, Bridgehampton, NY. www.silasmarder.com


DAVENPORT and SHAPIRO FINE ART - Gallery Talk by artist Larry Wolhandler on Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Part of ArtWalk Hamptons Thanksgiving Saturday Tour. The gallery is located at 37 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY 11937. www.lawrence-fine-arts.com.

QF GALLERY - "Nick Weber: Eighteen Years of Painting People" will have an opening reception from 1 to 5 p.m. The show remains on view through Dec 30. The gallery is located at 98 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, NY 11937. www.qfgallery.com


ROSALIE DIMON GALLERY at Jamesport Manor Inn - “Ivan Kustura" and "Stephen Bitel” has an artist reception on Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m. The show runs through Jan 30, 2013. The gallery is curated by East End Arts. The Rosalie Dimon Gallery is located at 370 Manor Lane, Jamesport, NY 11947. www.jamesportmanorinn.com


"White Over Dark Lake" by Ivan Kustura, 2002.



GRENNING GALLERY – “Jewels of the Grenning Gallery” will have an opening reception on Saturday from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The group show remains on view through Dec 31. The gallery is located at 17 Washington St, Sag Harbor, NY. www.grenninggallery.com


"The Restorer" by Marc Dalessio, 2012. Oil, 47.5 x 63 inches.


RICHARD J. DEMATO FINE ART - “Art at The Salon” and group show opening reception takes place on Saturday. The exhibition opening will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. From 1 to 5 p.m., exhibiting artist Donato Giancola will be painting in a pop up studio at the gallery. A “Salon” discussion takes place from 6 to 7 p.m (RSVP). The gallery is located at 90 Main Street, Sag Harbor, NY. www.rjdgallery.com. See separate story: Art Celebration at Richard J. Demato Fine Arts.


TRIPOLI GALLERY OF CONTEMPORARY ART - “Thanksgiving Collective: Modern Salon” has an opening reception on Saturday from 5 to 8 p.m. The group show runs through Jan 24, 2013. The gallery is located at 30 Jobs Lane, Southampton, NY. http://tripoligallery.com


"Palm Tree With Crabs" by James de Pasquale, 2012. Acrylic on linen, 90 x 60 inches.



CELADON GALLERY - “Holiday Pottery Show & Sale” has an opening reception today (Friday) from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The show runs through Dec 16. Open weekends only. The gallery is located at 41 Old Mill Road, Water Mill, NY. www.hamptonsclayart.org

HAMPTON HANG GALLERY - “The New Nude” has an opening reception tonight (Friday) from 6 to 8 p.m. Participating artists include Stephanie Farr, Jerome Lucani, Carlos Macias, Stephen Mannino, Raphael Mazzucco, Jeff Muhs and Darius Yektai. The show runs through Dec 17. Open by appointment only. The gallery is located at 688 Montauk Hwy, Water Mill, NY. www.hamptonhang.com

SARA NIGHTINGALE GALLERY - “Solo show by Eric Dever” has a Thanksgiving reception tonight (Friday) from 6 to 8 p.m. with live music by Dalton Portella and Jorge Castano. The reception celebrates the extension of the show until Dec 12. The gallery is located at 688 Montauk Hwy, Water Mill, NY. http://saranightingale.com/

Gallery Installation by Eric Dever, 2012. All paintings 36 x 36 inches.


NOTE: The featured image appearing on the Home Page is "Metaphysics" by Michael Kotasek, 2012. Oil, 10 x 20 inches. The painting is exhibited at Grenning Gallery in Sag Harbor, NY.


© 2012 Pat Rogers and Hamptons Art Hub. All rights reserved.

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